Meaning of talents
(Read 1 Samuel 16:14-23)
People showing their different talents.
God created us wonderfully. He created us in different sizes, colours, tribes and races. He has also given us different talents. Talents are powers and skills to do certain things such as singing, running and drawing. We should thank God for whatever talent He has given us and use it well. We should also use our talents to help others who are around us.
In 1 Samuel 16:14-23, we read the story of David who used his talent of singing and playing the harp to make King Saul happy at his palace.
Saul would at times get an evil spirit which would disturb him. David, being a good musician, calmed him down with his soothing songs which he played on his harp. This made the evil spirits leave Saul and he would feel better.
We should use our talents to help ourselves, those around us and to serve God. We should not feel bad when we cannot do as well as others in certain areas.

- Talents are powers and skills to do certain things such as singing, running and drawing.
- David was a good musician. He used his songs to calm King Saul.
- We should use our talents to help ourselves, those around us and serve God.
- We should thank God for our talents.
- List down your talents and compare them with those of your friend.
- Recite this verse:
“So give us the order, sir, and we will look for a man who knows how to play the harp. Then when the evil spirit comes on you, the man can play his harp, and you will be alright again.” (1 Samuel 16:16). - Sing this song:
Daudi mdogo mcheza ngoma
Ameshinda Ameshinda
Daudi mdogo mcheza ngoma
- What is a talent?
- having evil spirits
- powers and skills to do certain things
- Who gives us talents?
- parents
- God
- What was David’s talent?
- drawing
- singing
- When King Saul got an evil spirit, David would calm him down by
- singing soothing songs
- drawing creative images
- We should use ourto serve God.