Scriptures on work to foster responsibility
Work refers to mental, physical effort or activity aimed at accomplishing a task or objective. Work is crucial in our homes, schools and community. It helps to foster responsibility by keeping us accountable. Promoting responsibility is important for personal growth and a better society.
I worked for six days, created everything. On the seventh day, I rested. Who am I?
- God
- Jesus
- Lanzarote
- Joshua
In which book of the Bible is this story documented?
- Genesis 1:1
- Exodus 3:10
- Proverbs 6:6
- 1 Samuel 2:4
Activity 1
In groups, look at the pictures shown.
- Explain what is happening in each picture.
- Why is it important for learners to study?
- How do household chores contribute to a sense of responsibility and discipline in individuals?
- How does working contribute to a person’s financial stability?
- Explain how community projects enhance the following:
- Unity in the community
- Well‑being of the community
- Write down your points.
- Present your points.
Activity 2
- In groups, share experiences on chores or roles you perform in the following places:
- Home
- School
- Church
- Community
- Why do you carry out the chores and roles you have mentioned?
- Share your points in class.
Activity 3
In groups, read the Bible text below.
2 Thessalonians 3:10–12 While we were with you, we used to say to you, “Whoever refuses to work is not allowed to eat.” We say this because we hear that there are some people among you who live lazy lives and who do nothing except meddle in people’s business. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we command these people and warn them to lead orderly lives and work to earn their own living. |
- Hold a discussion on; “a lazy person should not eat.”
- Write lessons you have learnt from the Bible text.
- Discuss how you will apply the lessons in daily life?
- Talk about what happens to people who refuse to work.
- How do people in your community react towards lazy people?
Activity 4
- In groups, read the following Bible texts:
- Proverbs 6:6–11
- Proverbs 10:4
- Exodus 20:11
- Genesis 2:1–3
- Describe the organisation of the ants and their social life according to Proverbs 6:6–11.
- What lesson can a lazy man learn from the ants?
- What are the dangers that face a lazy person?
- What does the Bible say about a person who wants to be rich?
- Outline the teachings from each Bible texts in number 1.
- Write them on charts or PowerPoint slides.
- Present your findings in class.
Fun time: Reciting a poem and answering questions
Recite the poem below and answer the questions which follow.
Oh lazy man
Oh, lazy man,
You say you will only take a nap,
Is it really a nap?
Or when will you ever wake up?
Oh, lazy man,
What will you eat during the winter?
Like an armed robber, while you sleep a while,
Poverty will attack you.
Oh, lazy man,
Whoever refuses to work is not allowed to eat,
Being lazy will make you poor,
But hard work will make you rich.
- List the lessons learnt from the poem.
- What are the differences between a rich and a poor person?
- Discuss why it is important to work hard at home, school and community.
- Share your points with your classmates.

Key points
- When we work, we please God.
- According to Genesis 2:1–3, God worked for six days and rested on the 7th day.
- Human beings are co-workers and co-creators with God.
- According to Proverbs 6:6–11, Christians should work voluntarily just like the ants who have no ruler and are self-motivated to perform their tasks.
- We work to improve our lives. According to Proverbs 10:4, a lazy person will be poor but hard work will make one rich.
- According to 2 Thessalonians 3:10–12, we should be responsible and work diligently instead of relying on others to meet our needs.
- Being lazy and idle is against God’s will.
- Through work, we acquire wealth which enables us to live a decent life.
Virtues related to Christian work ethics
Virtues are qualities or attributes that are considered morally good and desirable. Christian work ethics are based on virtues of the Christian faith. These virtues guide how Christians interact at work. They also influence their behaviour and attitudes.
Being truthful. | |
nehotys | |
Ability to make decisions and take actions independently. | |
biresliponsity | |
Ability to bear with difficult situations. | |
letoncera | |
Hard working. | |
lidincege |
- What is the meaning of the word ethics?
- According to Proverbs 6:6–11, what shows that the ants described are prudent(wise) and responsible?
- What other virtues related to Christian work ethics do you know?
- Share your findings with your classmates.
- Use digital or print resources to research on virtues related to work.
- Write down your findings.
- Share your findings with your classmates.
Key points
- Work ethics refer to the moral principles and values that guide how people behave and make decisions in their work activities. It involves doing what is right.
- We work for different reasons such as to earn a living, improve our social status and develop our talents.
- Christians should work to promote their welfare and that of the community.
- Christians should uphold virtues related to Christian work ethics. Some virtues related to Christian work ethics are:
- Responsibility: This involves recognising one’s duty and performing them as expected. Christians understand that their work is a reflection of their commitment to God and they have obligation to fulfil their responsibilities with diligence.
- Tolerance: This refers to bearing with difficult situations. It emphasises on the importance of treating everyone with kindness and understanding. Tolerance promotes unity and a harmonious work environment.
- Prudence or wisdom: This involve making sound and morally upright decisions based on discernment. Christians should seek God’s guidance and apply biblical teachings when making work‑related choices.
- Diligence: This involves putting forth one’s best effort in tasks and pursuing excellence in all work done. We honour God by working diligently.
- Honesty: It means always telling the truth, being sincere and open as you work.
- Cooperation: Cooperation emphasises working harmoniously with other team members. Christians are encouraged to work harmoniously with others.
- Stewardship: This is the responsible management of resources and talents. Christians should practice good stewardship as they work.
Choosing career paths based on gifts, talents and abilities




- Identify the careers of the people shown in the pictures above.
- Brainstorm the gifts, talents and abilities that align with each career.
- Fill the table with your gifts, talents and abilities.
Gifts | |
Talents | |
Abilities |
- Write down your career aspirations.
- How are your gifts, talents and abilities related to your career aspirations?
- Brainstorm on the requirements expected for the careers you have listed.
- Suggest how you would work towards achieving your career goals.
- Share your ideas with other learners for peer assessment and feedback.
Activity 8
- Your teacher will invite a resource person to give a talk on different career choices.
- Listen carefully and write down key points on career choices.
- Ask questions on the learning areas you should undertake to qualify for the career you would like to pursue.
- Reflect on what you have learnt and make a plan on how to utilise your gifts, talents and abilities to attain your career goals.
Activity 9
Manje, a Grade 9 learner, wrote a journal on ways he can work towards attaining his career goals. Read his journal and answer the questions.
- Identify the areas that Manje needs to improve.
- Describe how the steps he will take are important to achieve his career goal.
- Write and keep a journal on the career you intend to pursue and how you will work towards achieving it.
- Share your journal with your parents, guardians or teachers.
- Apply the strategies you set. After a period of time, measure the progress you have made in working towards achieving your career goals.
I took some time to reflect on my dream of becoming a lawyer. The following are the necessary skills I need to attain my career goals.
- Critical thinking and problem‑solving
I can achieve this by engaging in activities that challenge my analytical skills, such as resolving conflicts. I can also analyse complex problems and solve them. - Communication skills
I need to express myself clearly, improve my listening skills and develop my persuasive abilities. To improve my communication skills, I can participate in debates, make presentations and actively participate in class. - Time management
I should organise my time effectively by creating a timetable and setting specific goals for each day. I will limit distractions as I study and work in environments that encourage productivity. - Subjects
I will work hard in subjects such as languages, Social Studies and Religious education so as to achieve my dream.
Key points
Gifts, talents and abilities reflect what individuals are passionate about and naturally excel in. When one chooses a career that aligns with their gifts, talents and abilities, they tend to find their work more enjoyable and fulfilling.
- Gifts: These are natural qualities or talents that individuals are born with or receive as blessings from God.
- Talents: These are skills or abilities that a person is born with. However, they can be nurtured through further practice, learning and experience.
- Abilities: These are skills that enables one to do something. They are acquired through learning and can be improved over time.
We should work towards achieving our career goals by:
- Nurturing our talents, abilities and gifts.
- Seeking career guidance from mentors in the same field. We should also be resilient and have a positive attitude as we work towards attaining our career goals.
- Working hard in our studies.
- Continuously evaluating and reflecting on personal growth and improvement in areas relevant towards achieving our career goals. We may also seek feedback on progress made in working towards our career goals from mentors, teachers, parents and guardians.
Positive attitude towards work in daily activities
Activity 10
- In groups, share experiences on how you demonstrate a positive attitude in your daily activities.
- Discuss the importance of having a positive attitude towards work.
- Write down key points and make a presentation in class to raise awareness on the importance of a positive attitude towards work.
Activity 11
In groups, read the scenarios below and answer the questions that follow.
1. | David, a teenager, willingly carries out house chores without complaining and completes them diligently. His sister, Ariella, also carries out her chores. They never disagree on how to split the chores. Each of them has different responsibilities in the house. Their positive approach to house chores sets an example for their younger siblings. |
2. | Kawira, a Grade 9 learner, is known for her optimistic approach towards her school work. She studies diligently, works hard to improve on her performance and manages her time effectively. Even when confronted with setbacks, she holds a positive mindset and remains resilient. She prudently comes up with strategies to conquer the challenges. Kawira’s positive attitude towards school work has greatly contributed to her academic success. |
3. | Mr. Moses is a teacher at Masomo Junior School. He teaches Christian Religious Education. He is enthusiastic and enjoys all his lessons. He greets his learners with a smile and makes learning fun and engaging. Even when faced with challenging behaviour such as indiscipline, he remains patient and encourages his learners to do their best. |
- How do David and Ariella demonstrate responsibility in their attitude toward house chores?
- Brainstorm on the influence of David and Ariella on their younger siblings in terms of positive altitude towards work.
- Which specific attitudes does Kawira exhibit that reflect her positive attitude towards school work?
- How does Mr. Moses create a positive classroom atmosphere?
- Write down your points.
- Present your points in class.
- Make a list of activities you carry out daily.
- Discuss how you would maintain a positive attitude while carrying out activities.
- Complete the table below with ways of maintaining a positive attitude in activities done everyday.
List of activities carried out daily | Ways of maintaining a positive attitude |
Interacting with peers |
Group discussions | |
- Engage in the activities you listed while maintaining a positive attitude.
- Note down the impact that the positive attitude had on the activities you carried out.
- Share your experiences with other learners for peer feedback.
- Adopt a positive attitude as you carry out your daily activities.
Working hard to achieve goals and aspirations
Activity 13
Recite the poem and answer the questions that follow.
In the classroom, bright and new,
We learn the things we aim to do,
With goals and dreams, we will follow through,
Our talents and gifts will shine and grow.
In every one of us, you will find,
An ability, a talent, a gift, a special kind,
To work hard, we are all inclined,
To reach our goals, and expand our mind.
With a burning desire to reach for the stars,
Work hard each day, both near and far,
Your goals and aspirations, they are never too high,
When you believe in yourself, you can touch the sky.
Your talents are treasures, unique and bright,
They will lead you forward with a guiding light,
Let your abilities shine, like stars in the night,
And you will conquer your dreams with all your might.
- Explain what you have learnt from the poem.
- How can we discover and nurture our unique abilities, gifts and talents?
- Why should you work hard?
- Share your answers in class.
Commitment. Assess your progress
- How can you ensure that you stay motivated to achieve your goals even when faced with challenges?
- Are you willing to invest time and effort to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve your goals? Explain your answer.
- What role does self‑discipline and time management play in working diligently toward your career goals?
- Why should you work hard as a Christian?
- Christians are called to work hard as a reflection of their faith and commitment to God.
- Hard work is seen as a way to honour God, serve others and fulfil one’s responsibilities, contributing positively to the community and the world.
- Christians should work to earn a living.
- Because it’s the only way to earn your salvation.
- So you can show others that you are better than them.
- So you can brag about your accomplishments to the church community.
- Explain the virtues related to Christian work ethics. Choose the correct word that applies to the given explanation.
- This involves recognising one’s duty and performing them as expected. Christians understand that their work is a reflection of their commitment to God and they have an obligation to fulfil their responsibilities with diligence.
- This refers to bearing with difficult situations. It emphasises on the importance of treating everyone with kindness and understanding. Tolerance promotes unity and a harmonious work environment.
- This involves making sound and wise decisions based on discernment. Christians should seek God’s guidance and apply biblical teachings when making work related choices.
- This involves putting forth one’s best effort in tasks and pursuing excellence in all the work done. We honour God by working diligently.
- It means always telling the truth, being sincere as you work.
- It emphasises working harmoniously with other team members. Christians are encouraged to work harmoniously with others.
- How can you demonstrate a positive attitude towards work?
- Showing enthusiasm.
- Interrupt others during discussions.
- Helping others.
- Celebrating achievement.
- Ignore feedback from your manager.
- Refuse to help teammates.
- Staying focused.
- Asking questions.
- Complain about your tasks.
- Being respectful.
- Maintain a growth mindset.
- Being responsible.