Study kit (Mathematics 9th)

Mathematics Grade 9

Vincent Odhiambo, Moses Maswai, Ziporah Muli, Jane Mbugua, Wycliffe Ogembo
Exercises kit’s authors
Vincent Odhiambo, Moses Maswai, Ziporah Muli, Jane Mbugua, Wycliffe Ogembo
Kenya Literature Bureau
  • The study kit contains 90 chapters and 484 exercises of which 484 are in the chapters and 0 in the task exercises.
  • Authors
    Vincent Odhiambo, Moses Maswai, Ziporah Muli, Jane Mbugua, Wycliffe Ogembo
  • Exercises kit’s authors
    Vincent Odhiambo, Moses Maswai, Ziporah Muli, Jane Mbugua, Wycliffe Ogembo
  • Subject
  • Grade
    Grade 9
  • Kit's language
  • Publisher
    Kenya Literature Bureau
  • Included in packages

1. Numbers. Integers

1.1. Addition of Integers
Free chapter!
1.2. Subtraction of Integers
1.3. Multiplication of Integers
1.4. Division of Integers
1.5. Combined Operations on Integers in Different Situations

2. Numbers. Cubes and Cube Roots

2.1. Working out Cubes of Numbers by Multipli­cation in Different Situations
2.2. Cubes of Numbers Between 0 and 10 From Mathe­matical Tables
2.3. Cubes of Numbers Greater Than 10 From Mathe­matical Tables
2.4. Cubes of Numbers Less Than 1 From Mathe­matical Tabled
2.5. Determining Cube Roots of Numbers by Factor Method in Different Situations
2.6. Determining Cube Roots of Numbers Between 1 and 1 000 from Mathe­matical Table
2.7. Determining Cube Roots of Numbers Greater Than 1 000 Using Mathe­matical Tables of Cubes
2.8. Determining Cube Roots of Numbers Between 0 And 1 Using Mathe­matical Tables of Cubes
2.9. Working Out Cubes of Numbers Using CASIO fx-82MS second edition Calculator
2.10. Working Out The Cube Root of a Number Using a Calculator

3. Numbers. Indices and Logarithms

3.1. Expressing Numbers in Index Form in Different Situations
3.2. The Laws of Indices. Multiplication
3.3. The Laws of Indices. Division
3.4. The Laws of Indices. Raising to a Power
3.5. The Laws of Indices. Raising to a Nega­tive Power
3.6. Relating Powers of 10 to Common Logarithms in Different Situations

4. Numbers. Compound Proportion and Rates of Work

4.1. Dividing Quantities into Propor­tional Parts in Different Situations
4.2. Relating Different Ratios In Real Life
4.3. Working Out Compound Propor­tions Using the Ratio Method in Different Situations
4.4. Calcula­ting Rates of Work in Real Life Situations
4.5. Mixed Exercise 1

5. Algebra. Matrices

5.1. Identifying a Matrix in Different Situations
5.2. Determi­ning the Order of a Matrix in Different Situations
5.3. Determi­ning the Position of Items in a Matrix in Different Situations
5.4. Determi­ning Compa­tibility of Matrices in Addition
5.5. Determi­ning Compa­tibility of Matrices in Subtraction
5.6. Carrying Out Addition of Matrices in Real Life Situations
5.7. Carrying Out Subtraction of Matrices in Real Life Situations

6. Algebra. Equations of Straight Lines

6.1. Identi­fying the Gradient in Real Life Situations
6.2. Determi­ning the Gradient of a Straight Line From Two Known Points
6.3. Determi­ning the Equation of a Straight Line Given Two Points
6.4. Determi­ning the Equation of a Straight Line From a Known Point and a Gradient
6.5. Expressing the Equation of a Straight Line in the Form of y = mx + c in Different Situations
6.6. Interpre­ting the Equation y = mx + c in Different Situations
6.7. Determining the x and y-Intercepts of a Straight Line
6.8. Applying Equations of Straight Lines in Real Life Situations

7. Algebra. Linear Inequalities

7.1. Solving Linear Inequa­lities in One Unknown. Addition and Subtraction
7.2. Solving Linear Inequa­lities in One Unknown. Multipli­cation and Division
7.3. Solving Linear Inequa­lities in One Unknown Involving More Than One Operation
7.4. Represen­ting Linear Inequa­lities in One Unknown Graphi­cally
7.5. Represen­ting Linear Inequa­lities In Two Un­knowns Graphi­cally
7.6. Applying Linear Inequa­lities to Real Life Situations
7.7. Mixed Exercise 2

8. Measurement. Area

8.1. Calcula­ting the Area of a Penta­gon in Different Situations
8.2. Area of a Hexagon
8.3. Working Out the Surface Area of Triangu­lar and Rectan­gular- Based Prisms
8.4. Working Out the Surface Area of Triangu­lar, Rectan­gular and Square-Based Pyramids
8.5. Calcula­ting the Area of a Sector and Segment of a Circle
8.6. Working Out the Surface Area of a Cone in Real Life Situations
8.7. Calcu­lating the Surface Area of a Sphere in Real Life Situations

9. Measurement. Volume of solids

9.1. Volume of solids. Working out Volume of Triangu­lar and Rectan­gular-based Prisms
9.2. Calcu­lating the Volumes of Triangular, Rectan­gular and Square-Based Pyramids
9.3. Working Out the Volume of a Cone in Real Life Situations
9.4. Determi­ning the Volume of a Frustum in Real-Life Situations
9.5. Calcula­ting the Volume of a Sphere in Real Life Situations

10. Measurement. Mass, Volume, Weight and Density

10.1. Converting Units of Mass From One Form to Another in Different Situations
10.2. Relating Mass and Weight in Real Life Situations
10.3. Determi­ning Mass, Volume and Density in Diffe­rent Situations
10.4. Determi­nation of Mass Given Volume and Density
10.5. Determi­ning Volume Given Mass and Density

11. Measurement. Time, Distance and Speed

11.1. Working Out Speed in km/h and m/s
11.2. Working Out Average Speed in Real Life Situations
11.3. Determi­ning Velocity in Real Life Situations
11.4. Working Out Acce­leration in Real Life Situations
11.5. Identifying Longi­tudes on the Globe
11.6. Relating Longi­tude to Time on the Globe
11.7. Determi­ning Local Time of Places on the Earth Along Different Longi­tudes

12. Measurement. Money

12.1. Identifying Currencies That are Used in Different Countries
12.2. Converting Currency from One to Another In Real Life Situations
12.3. Converting Kenyan Currency to Foreign Currency
12.4. Working Out Export Duties Charged on Goods
12.5. Working Out Import Duties Charged on Goods
12.6. Working Out Excise Duty Charged on Goods
12.7. Determi­ning Value-Added Tax (VAT) Charged on Goods and Services

13. Measurement. Approximations and Errors

13.1. Approxi­mating Quantities in Measure­ments in Different Situations
13.2. Determi­ning Errors Using Estimations and Actual Measure­ments of Quantities
13.3. Determi­ning Percentage Errors Using Actual Measure­ments in Quantities
13.4. Mixed Exercise 3

14. Geometry. Coordinates and Graphs

14.1. Plotting Out Points on a Cartesian Plane
14.2. Drawing a Straight Line Graph Given an Equation
14.3. Drawing Parallel Lines on a Cartesian Plane
14.4. Relating the Gradients of Parallel Lines
14.5. Drawing Perpendi­cular Lines on the Cartesian Plane
14.6. Relating the Gradients of Perpendi­cular Lines
14.7. Application of Graphs of Straight Lines to Real Life Situations
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