Study kit (Geography F 3)

Geography Form 3

Kambua Williams, Julia Mumu
Exercises kit’s authors
Kambua Williams, Julia Mumu
Longhorn Publishers
  • The study kit contains 158 chapters and 46 exercises of which 27 are in the chapters and 19 in the task exercises.
  • Authors
    Kambua Williams, Julia Mumu
  • Exercises kit’s authors
    Kambua Williams, Julia Mumu
  • Subject
  • Grade
    Form 3
  • Kit's language
  • Publisher
    Longhorn Publishers
  • Included in packages

1. Statistical Methods

1.1. Compound or cumulative bar graphs
Free chapter!
1.2. Divided circles. Proportional circles
1.3. Simple pie charts
1.4. Revision Questions

2. Map Work

2.1. Interpretation of physical features and human activities on topographical maps
2.2. Landforms
2.3. Vegetation and Drainage
2.4. Economic activities
2.5. Settlement
2.6. Location and functions of urban areas
2.7. Enlargement and reduction of maps
2.8. Drawing of cross-sections

3. External Land Forming Processes

3.1. External Land Forming Processes
3.2. Types and processes of weathering
3.3. Chemical weathering
3.4. Biological weathering
3.5. Mass Wasting
3.6. Landslide movement
3.7. Effects of mass wasting on the physical and human environments
3.8. Hydrological Cycle
3.9. Action of Rivers
3.10. Types of river erosion
3.11. River transport
3.12. River profile
3.13. Resultant features of river erosion
3.14. Waterfalls and cascades
3.15. Rapids, pot holes and meanders
3.16. Resultant features of river deposition
3.17. Natural levees and deferred tributaries
3.18. Braided channels and sandbanks
3.19. Types of deltas
3.20. River capture
3.21. River rejuvenation
3.22. Drainage patterns 1
3.23. Drainage patterns 2
3.24. Drainage systems
3.25. The significance of rivers and the resultant features
3.26. Lakes
3.27. Lakes formed due to weathering by solution and erosion
3.28. Lakes formed by Volcanicity
3.29. Lakes formed by deposition
3.30. Lakes formed due to human activities and other processes
3.31. Significance of lakes
3.32. Oceans, seas and their coasts
3.33. Nature of Ocean Water
3.34. Movement of ocean water
3.35. Ocean currents
3.36. Tides
3.37. Waves
3.38. Wave erosion
3.39. Features formed as a result of wave erosion
3.40. Wave transportation
3.41. Wave depositional features
3.42. Types of coasts
3.43. Emerged and Coral coasts
3.44. Coral Reefs
3.45. Fringing, Barrier and Atoll reefs
3.46. Significance of oceans, seas and coastal features
3.47. Action of wind and water in arid areas
3.48. Processes of wind erosion and resultant features
3.49. Transport by wind in arid areas
3.50. Ways in which wind transports its materials
3.51. Action of water in arid regions
3.52. Significance of desert features
3.53. Action of water in limestone areas
3.54. Factors influencing the occurence of underground water
3.55. Artesian well
3.56. Factors influencing the formation of landforms in limestone areas
3.57. Surface features in limestone areas
3.58. Underground features
3.59. Significance of the features formed in the limestone areas
3.60. Glaciation
3.61. Processes of glaciation
3.62. Features formed by glacial erosion in highlands
3.63. Ice transportation
3.64. Deposition features in lowlands
3.65. Significance of glaciation
3.66. Fieldwork on Significance of External Land Forming Processes within the local environment

4. Soils

4.1. Soils
4.2. Soil forming processes
4.3. Factors that influence soil formation
4.4. Properties and characteristics of soil
4.5. Soil properties
4.6. Soil profile and catena
4.7. Soil degeneration
4.8. Soil erosion
4.9. Classification of soils
4.10. Intrazonal and azonal order
4.11. Significance of soils
4.12. Management and conservation of soil
4.13. Revisions Questions

5. Agriculture

5.1. Agriculture
5.2. Factors influencing agriculture
5.3. Biological, human and economic factors
5.4. Subsistence farming
5.5. Intensive subsistence farming
5.6. Plantation farming
5.7. Mediterranean and Mixed farming
5.8. Pastoralism and factory farming
5.9. Intensive commercial farming
5.10. Crop farming
5.11. Tea farming in Kenya
5.12. Tea cultivation
5.13. Tea growing areas in Kenya
5.14. Sugar cane farming in Kenya
5.15. Sugar cane cultivation
5.16. Sugar cane growing areas in Kenya
5.17. Maize farming in Kenya
5.18. Maize cultivation
5.19. Significance of maize growing to Kenya’s economy
5.20. Cocoa in Ghana
5.21. Cocoa growing areas in Ghana
5.22. Oil palm in Nigeria
5.23. Processing and marketing of palm oil
5.24. Significance of oil palm to Nigeria’s economy
5.25. Related studies on coffee, wheat and horticultural farming
5.26. Production of coffee in Kenya and Brazil
5.27. Processing and Marketing
5.28. Significances and government efforts to promote of coffee farming
5.29. Factors favouring coffee production in Brazil
5.30. Comparison between coffee farming in Kenya and Brazil
5.31. Wheat in Kenya and Canada
5.32. Wheat cultivation
5.33. Significance of wheat farming in Kenya
5.34. Factors promoting wheat farming in Canada
5.35. Significance of wheat farming in Canada
5.36. Comparison between wheat farming in Kenya and Canada
5.37. Horticulture farming in Kenya and the Netherlands
5.38. Horticultural growing areas in Kenya and the Netherlands
5.39. Problems facing horticultural farming in Kenya and the Netherlands
5.40. Cultivation
5.41. Significance of horticulture
5.42. Summary comparison of horticulture in Kenya and the Netherlands
5.43. Livestock farming
5.44. Pastoral farming in Kenya
5.45. Problems facing pastoralism
5.46. Dairy farming in Kenya and Denmark
5.47. Factors favouring dairy farming in Kenya
5.48. Factors favouring dairy farming in Denmark
5.49. Significance of dairy farming in Kenya
5.50. Summary comparison of dairy farming in Kenya and Denmark
5.51. Beef farming in Kenya and Argentina
5.52. Problems facing beef farming in Kenya and Argentina
5.53. Government efforts to improve beef farming in Kenya
5.54. Beef farming in Argentina
5.55. Importance of beef farming to the economy of Kenya and Argentina
5.56. Summary Comparison of beef farming in Kenya and Argentina
5.57. Revision Questions
5.58. Fieldwork

6. Revision Questions

6.1. Test Paper 1(312/1A)
6.2. Test Paper (312/B) 2¾ Hrs
6.3. Test Paper (312/2)
6.4. Test Paper (312/2) 2¾ Hrs

7. K.C.S.E Model Test Papers – Answers

7.1. Test paper (312/1) Answers
7.2. Test Paper (312/1B) Answers
7.3. Test Paper (312/2) Answers
7.4. Test Paper (312/2) Answers

8. Extras

8.1. Definitions
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