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Chapter topics:
- Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection
- Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection
- Significance of the Lord’s Supper to Christians today
- The events that took place at Mount Olives
- Events that took place between the arrest and burial of Jesus Christ
- Peter denies Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ mocked and beaten
- Jesus Christ is brought before the council
- Jesus Christ is brought before Pilate
- Jesus Christ is brought before Herod
- Jesus Christ is sentenced to death
- Jesus Christ is crucified
- The death of Jesus Christ
- The burial of Jesus Christ
- Importance of Jesus Christ’s resurrection to the Christians’ faith
- Jesus Christ ascension to heaven
- The second coming of Jesus Christ
- Commitment. Assess your progress
A valid license for package „Opiq Private User Package”, „Opiq Pupil Package” or „Opiq Teacher Package” is required to use the kit. Click the link with the package name to learn more about the package and order a license.
If you have a valid license, log in to view the chapter.